Heath/Zenith SD-4850
Categories: [Electronics], [Retro-Computing]
The SD-4850 is also known as the Heath or Heathkit ID-4850. A simplified version with no front panel controls and no analog scope output was sold as the Heath Zenith SC-4802 or IC-4802.
From the manual:
The Heath Digital Memory Oscilloscope (DMO), Model 4850, is a versatile accessory for an oscilloscope or a PC-compatible computer, such as the Heath/Zenith H/Z-100 PC series or IBM-PC. The DMO can upgrade a low-frequency bandwidth oscilloscope to one that has a 50 MHz bandwidth on repetitive signals, and can also add waveform storage capabilities.
The Model 4850 is similar to modern USB oscillscopes, but in addition to the computer-based display, it outputs a digital overlay to be displayed on a traditional analog scope.
The original software was written in GW-BASIC (with ASM subroutines), so I've converted the .BAS files to plain text using gwbasic-decoder.
- Heath Zenith Model 4850 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Operation Service Manual
- Heathkit ID-4850 Assembly Manual
- Heathkit ID-4850 Illustrations Booklet
- Heathkit ID-4850 Calibration Manual
- Heathkit ID-4850 Schematic